How to Breed Koi for Profit
Selasa, 29 November 2016
breeding stock,
General Koi Information,
pond maintenance,
selling koi.

It’s not as out of reach as you might think to breed Koi fish for profit,
as thousands around the world have done with great success. Knowing how
to do it, though, is another matter altogether; let’s review exactly
what you need to do in order to breed Koi fish for profit and turn a
very unique source of income into a business and a successful and
profitable endeavor.
Probably the four most common varieties that one will see in a koi competition are Showa, Sanke, Kohaku and Shusui. For the breeder at home interested in getting into breeding for profit these are 4 good varieties to start with.
To be sure, if you do it right and have quality fish you can easily get 10X the value out of your investment from breeding koi. The other good news besides all the eggs koi constantly produce is that they live a long time. A life span of 50 years is not unheard of and there are even stories of koi living to well over 100!
When it comes time to sell some or all of your koi the best way to sell them is to make sure you have some good, clear photos of them. Preferably put the koi in a royal blue container, with no glare, reflection or ripples in the water. Be sure to get the whole fish in the frame from straight above, not an angle shot. You may have to take a dozen or so photos to get one usable image. Then post those photos on whatever site or sites you would like to sell them on. Be patient, and be ready to invest some money to get started, but it is possible to breed Koi in this manner and make a profit!
What’s Your Breeding Stock Like?
First and
foremost, it’s critical that you have a good Koi breeding stock to
source from and begin breeding on your own, or else your job may be over
before it begins. A good stock means working with a good supply of
quality fish, and you may need to spend some money to ensure biological
and genetic diversity as you get started breeding Koi. A reasonable
amount to spend on parents is around $1000 or more for a quality
breeding pair of something like Kohaku. You’ll want to make sure that
they are at least 3 years old as that is when they begin to be sexually
mature. The value of your offspring will be largely dependent on the
value of your parents, so choose wisely!
Get Your Breeding Ponds In Order
The next most important aspect of
breeding Koi fish is having a high quality space for them to live and
grow. Breeding ponds don’t have to be expensive, but you must ensure
that they are safe and secure from predators and adequately cared for. In addition, it’s critical that you use specialized filtration equipment
to generate clean water levels that are healthy and sustainable. Be
prepared to spend some up-front capital on setting up your koi systems.
You will need space and resource to handle all the offspring produced. Plan on devoting at least a couple hours a day to general feeding
and maintenance. You can easily spend several thousand dollars on the
initial investment of tanks, filters, medications, food, chemicals,
water etc. so keep that in mind as you financially plan for breeding.
Don’t forget proper nutrition!
When you finally spawn your first
generation of newly-bred Koi fish, congratulations – now the fun part
starts! You must feed them hatched brine shrimp and crushed Koi pellets
to ensure that their skin and scales are bright, and that they are
healthy and vibrant. Feeding isn’t cheap, but it will help you reach the
culling process, which can be one of the most difficult parts of
breeding koi.
Culling takes the right mindset
When it comes to culling Koi, you can’t
have a queasy stomach about it. Your koi parents will produce of
500,000 eggs at a time though not all will make it to the juvenile stage
you can be certain that you will find yourself overwhelmed with little
koi unless you have the space for them! Koi are the gift that keeps on
giving! Certain fish won’t look great and won’t be good to sell to
breeders or homeowners and just need to be removed to ensure you
maintain the genetic stock. Because of that, it’s important to cull out
the ones you need to remove, and do it humanely and quickly.
Selling: The Endgame
For most breeders, selling Koi
initially isn’t the easiest thing to do, as it takes time to build up a
reputation and prove that you produce quality fish. But rest assured
that with hard work and a transparent process that shows buyers what you
have been able to accomplish, you can, over time, breed Koi
successfully and make it so that they turn a profit with their breeding
and more. So what can you make selling koi? Some companies produce and
sell 20,000 to 30,000 fish a year with prices ranging from $15 to $5000
each -these kinds of companies may do $500,000 a year before expenses.
In fact, when it comes to value koi can command some seriously large
amounts of cash! One particular Showa specimen went for over $258,000.
Oftentimes highly prized koi act as a status symbol for those wealthy
enough to afford them. Similar to owning a rare historical artifact,
these prized competition fish are a source of national pride for wealthy
Asians as Asia is where koi breeding first started. Just as in horse
racing, these fish are often bred by world renowned breeders for the
explicit purpose of breeding a champion. Probably the four most common varieties that one will see in a koi competition are Showa, Sanke, Kohaku and Shusui. For the breeder at home interested in getting into breeding for profit these are 4 good varieties to start with.
To be sure, if you do it right and have quality fish you can easily get 10X the value out of your investment from breeding koi. The other good news besides all the eggs koi constantly produce is that they live a long time. A life span of 50 years is not unheard of and there are even stories of koi living to well over 100!
When it comes time to sell some or all of your koi the best way to sell them is to make sure you have some good, clear photos of them. Preferably put the koi in a royal blue container, with no glare, reflection or ripples in the water. Be sure to get the whole fish in the frame from straight above, not an angle shot. You may have to take a dozen or so photos to get one usable image. Then post those photos on whatever site or sites you would like to sell them on. Be patient, and be ready to invest some money to get started, but it is possible to breed Koi in this manner and make a profit!
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