Quarantine Your Koi: Why and How
Selasa, 29 November 2016
diseased fish,
hospital tank,
proper size,
transferring fish

Anyone that has cared for or owned koi for
any significant period of time has had to isolate their fish for one
reason or another. Sometimes its necessary to remove your fish in order
to clean their pond
or perhaps there are signs of disease that you want to prevent the
further spread of -whatever the reason, having a quarantine tank is a
necessary component of your koi pond “system”. Quarantine is a great way
to isolate your fish in times of stress or times when you want to
control which breeding pairs you want to match up. Of course, one of the
main reasons for having a quarantine tank is for situations where you
suspect your fish is diseased but one thing some koi owners neglect is
using it for newly arrived, healthy-looking fish.
Types of Quarantine Tanks
For some, a smaller glass-style aquarium
quarantine tank is all that is required when koi are small. Later, when
your koi grow too large for glass aquaria a commonly used container is
the fiberglass or Rubbermaid tub style. These are nice due to their
cost, low weight and versatility. The fiberglass and Rubbermaid tubs can
be found at many different retailers but probably the most convenient
source will be farm supply and feed stores. If they don’t have the size
you need they can find it and order it for you.
Must have’s for your Quarantine Tank
One of the biggest questions that koi pond
owners will have when considering setting up a quarantine tank is: “how
big does it need to be”? To answer that you first need to consider how
large your fish are currently and obviously how large they are going to
be. It’s always convenient to plan ahead for when your fish get to be
older and larger (which is when you are really going to want to make
sure the quarantine tank does its job). As a rule of thumb if your fish
are in the 10-11″ (3.9-4.3cm) range look for a quarantine tank that is
at least 200 gallons (757 liters). Your quarantine tank needs to have
biological filtration. There are some pond owners that don’t think about
this because they often don’t keep their fish in quarantine for long
enough so they may only have aeration. To do it right the quarantine
period should be at least 3 weeks but a full month is better. As
mentioned, having plenty of aeration is critical to keeping your fish
happy during the quarantine period. In addition to aeration you will
want to keep the tank out of direct sunlight. As is the case with your
main pond, you provide means for shade via tree canopy or aquatic plants
so your quarantine needs to have shade as well. Lastly, it’s important
that you effectively prevent your fish from getting spooked and jumping
out. This is done with a simple framed screen that fits over the top of
your tank. Not only will it keep fish from jumping out but it will keep
predators like raccoons and herons from preying on your recovering fish.
Another thing that is nice to provide for your fish is something to
hide in or near in your quarantine tank like a large PVC pipe or
something similar.
Transferring and Maintaining Koi
Whenever you bring a new fish home from a
breeder or need to transfer a fish from your main pond to the quarantine
tank it’s critical that you ensure the fish has adjusted to the new
water temperature (and this is especially true when going from warmer to
colder water). A lot of times small koi that you buy will be in clear
bags so simply placing the bag on the surface of the tank and allowing
the water inside the bag to match that of the tank will suffice. However
you choose to make the adjustment be sure it’s gradual -you don’t want
to do more harm to a sick fish you are trying to save.
Once the fish has been transferred you will
want to wait at least a day before attempting to feed your fish.
Oftentimes because of the stress of moving fish won’t eat for a day or
two anyway.
How long should you maintain and treat your koi in quarantine?
The treatment, depending on what it is, may
actually only be one day but that doesn’t mean your fish is ready to go
back to the main pond. You will want to ensure that the fish is good to
go and is not showing any signs of the malady so it is recommended that
you keep your fish in quarantine for 3 to 4 weeks. A mistake that is
often made by koi owners is taking a recently purchased fish and putting
it straight into the pond. Though it may look healthy it may also have
some healthy parasites that would love to have access to a big pond full
of unsuspecting koi. It’s always a good idea to quarantine anything new
for 3-4 weeks and watch for signs of disease or parasites (and periods longer than 4 weeks are not unheard of for certain kinds of parasitic infestations).
Creating the Right Conditions
Something a lot of pond owners will do for newly purchased fish that in quarantine is to maintain a raised salinity level
to offer osmostic relief to the fish and deal with certain parasites
that may be present. For these purposes a level of 2-3 pounds of salt
per 100 gallons is a good level to maintain. You will also want to do
regular water changes as well. If you are able to tend to the quarantine
tank on a regular basis a 10% change out every other day is recommended
but if once a week is all you can do then a 25-30% change out should
suffice. Doing water changes will give you a chance to vacuum
out any uneaten food or feces that may have accumulated on the bottom.
For recovering fish, a temperature of around 76-77 degrees F is
recommended which may call for a submersible heater to be used -a 250 to
300 watt heater should do the trick. And finally, as with your main
pond, water quality needs to be monitored and tested regularly.
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